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Attorney Admission

Attorney Admission Status Lookup

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Procedure for Admission to Practice in the Eastern District of Wisconsin

Detailed step by step instructions are provided here: Attorney Admission Instructions and the following documents are to be completed as part of your application:

  1. Fully Completed and Signed Application (Link to All Attorney Admission Forms)
  1. Take the oath on the bottom of the application form before any officer or notary, who is authorized to administer same, and have your signature notarized.
  2. Provide your firm's name, address and telephone number.
  1. Proof of Eligibility 
  1. An original Certificate of Good Standing (dated within the last 90 days) from any court in which you have been admitted to practice;


  1. An affidavit (dated within the last 90 days) in support of your admission from an attorney who has already been admitted to practice before this Court. (Link to All Attorney Admission Forms)

 You will need to apply for admission electronically, using the Pacer system at

Federal Government Attorneys, including Federal Defender Organizations, Attorneys Appointed by the USCA and Attorneys in MDL Cases

Pursuant to General Local Rule 83(c)(2)(D) any federal government attorney authorized by statute or regulation to appear in a United States district court is admitted to practice before this Court.  Attorneys who would like to be admitted to our district should go to the Pacer website and apply for e-filing privileges in the Eastern District of Wisconsin. To do this, go to and

    1. Log in with your upgraded Pacer account
    2. Select “Manage My Account”
    3. Click on the “Maintenance” tab
    4. Click on Attorney Admissions/E-file Registration (choose Federal Government Attorney, Multi-District Litigation, or E-filing Registration only) and complete all screens.

Your request is then transmitted to the Eastern District of Wisconsin for approval and activation.

Multi-District Litigation

Pursuant to the General Rules of the Judicial Panel on Multi-District Litigation, any attorney of record in any action transferred under 28 U.S.C. § 1407 may continue to represent his or her client in any district court of the United States to which such action is transferred; therefore, parties are not required to obtain local counsel in the district to which such action is transferred. Attorneys representing litigants on multi-district litigation cases must register for electronic case filing using the Pacer website.

Electronic Filing Registration Only

To file documents electronically, attorneys must be admitted to practice before the Court and must be registered to file electronically.  Both admission and registration are processed through the PACER Service Center.  Attorneys are required to use their individual PACER login and password for access to the electronic filing system in NextGen Courts.  The login and password serve as an attorney's signature for FRCvP Rule 11 purposes on all documents that are filed electronically. 

In order to register to file electronically  please visit

Login to Pacer using your individual login and password and click on Manage my Account. Under Manage my Account click on Maintenance tab and click on the link that says Attorney Admission and ECF Registration and complete the ECF Registration only. These steps are only for the Attorneys who are already admitted to our District.

Certificate of Good Standing

To request a Certificate of Good Standing from our Court to be used for Admission to another Court please send the following:

  1. A letter request with the Attorney’s name & bar number
  1. Check made payable to Clerk, US District Court. For the current fee per certificate, please click here.
  1. A self-addressed return stamped envelope

Please note, the Eastern District of Wisconsin does not issue statements of non-disciplinary actions. 

Attorney Name and Address Changes

All requests for attorney name or address changes should be submitted to the Pacer website at