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What are the clerk’s office hours of operation?
The clerk’s office is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Can I file via fax?
Not without prior approval of the assigned judge.
How do I retrieve a file that has been archived?
To retrieve files from the NARA in Chicago, the retrieval fee must be paid in advance to the Clerk of Court. When submitting the fee, please provide the case number and case caption. Upon receipt of the retrieval fee, the file will be ordered and may take up to 10 days to reach the Clerk’s office. You will be notified when it arrives. For a list of fees associated wtih retrieval, please click here.
How do I file a judgment from another District Court?
File Form 451, Certification of Judgment to Be Registered in Another District, completed by
the originating district court, along with a filing fee of $47.00, payable to Clerk, US District
Court. -
Do I need to obtain a case number before I electronically file a new case?
No, you will receive a case number automatically upon opening the new action.
How do I enter the case number for searching?
The following format works best: 11-123. Use only the numeric values of the case number, do not use ‘cv’ or ‘cr.’
How was I selected to be a juror?
Our source for juror names comes from voter registration lists. The names are selected through a mathematical sequence using an electronic data processing system. This selection takes place every two years.
Why do I have to come to the City of Milwaukee or Green Bay for jury service?
Please keep in mind that this notice is for Federal Court, not County Court. Our jurisdiction is the Eastern District of Wisconsin, which is divided into two (2) divisions, Milwaukee and Green Bay. The Milwaukee Division consists of Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Kenosha, Marquette, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha counties. The remaining counties are in the Green Bay Division. Individuals who reside within the Milwaukee Division counties will be instructed to come to the Milwaukee Courthouse, and those residing within the Green Bay Division counties will go to the Green Bay Courthouse, unless otherwise directed.
The report date for my jury service is listed as "TO BE NOTIFIED". When should I expect to report?
It takes approximately four (4) weeks to prepare and process a group of qualified jurors. You may receive a report date within four (4) to six (6) weeks after you receive your questionnaire. If you are qualified, you will receive a notice giving you a specific date and time to report when your name is randomly drawn. If you have been excused, you will receive notification of that excusal.
My employer does not want me to perform jury service. What are my rights?
The United States Code, Section 1875, describes the protection of jurors' employment. Jury service is a citizen's obligation. The employer must provide the employee with time to serve.